How to start a business in India

 How to start a business in India

It is always the right time to start a business and right now our Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi is promoting and encouraging youth to start a business/entrepreneurship.

Type of entrepreneurship?

1)SME (Small and medium enterprises)

  • SME is a revenue first entrepreneurship

  • When you start a business by putting a factory or a manufacturing unit you don't consider.

  • Funding, venture capital, and many other steps that you think when you work in an IDE model.

2) IDE (Innovation-driven entrepreneurship)

  • In this type of entrepreneurship, a lot of money is burned initially and there is nothing wrong with it as they are entering a new business model and disrupting the market by introducing new products.

Example- Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla introduced a self-driving electric car and disrupted the market. He needed money so, he took the loan from the US government as it were the money of the taxpayer so he repaired the loan along with the interest.   A lot of people told him that his idea of the electric car will not be accepted by this generation and many big car companies also disagree with his idea. he face a lot of difficulties but today Tesla is considered to be the most valuable company. IDE is difficult as you are innovating something at an early stage.

  • Comparison between SME and IDE

The growth curve of SMEs is linear while the growth of innovation-driven entrepreneurship is like a J- Curve as it goes down initially due to the burning of money or huge investment and then suddenly, massive growth is seen.

Step to understand and Start a business

  1. Market segmentation

  2. Beachhead market

  3. End-user profile

  4. Beachhead total addressable market

  5. Persona

  6. Life cycle use case

  7. High-level product specifications

  8. Quantity value proposition

  9. next 10 customers

  10. define your core

  11. chart competitive position

  12. determine the decision-making system unit

  13. follow on TAM

  14. design business model

  15. pricing framework

  16. ma customer acquisition process

  17. lifetime value

  18. map sales process

  19. cost of customer acquisition

  20. identify key assumption

  21. Test key assumptions

  22. define minimum viable business product

  23. show "the dog will eat their own dog food"

  24. develop product plan

these few steps are classified into 3 different part

1) customer understanding
2) product| solution| service
3) strategy

ways to do a startup

1) passion - some people are passionate and that becomes intellectual property. they can build a good company

2) technology- some people can make a technology that becomes intellectual property. they also believe that even if they are unable to form a big organization. they can sell the technology to someone.

3) idea- some people have a very strong idea and they feel that they can create a big company by hiring the people of technology and marketing

you should start a startup when your idea and strategy is strong and you also have the knowledge of technology

step to move from passion to idea and technology

1) knowledge - deep knowledge of the subject.

2) capability

3) Network-  the people you know and are going to support you when you start a startup.

4) financial assets - as it is said that 95 % of the startup fails in the 3 years of execution, it happens because of lack of finances.

5) established brand- you need to check whether you already have an established brand or you have some things on which you can build some things. the brand can also be of your co-founder or you can partner with someone who has a big brand. in such a case you have an added advantage.

6) past work experience

7) commitment 

8) find a founding team

1) market segmentation?

Market segmentation is a process of dividing the market of potential customers into smaller and more defined segments on the basis of certain shared characteristics like demographics, interests, needs, or location. it is the first step for the success of the startup.

  • startup success happens when you see through the eyes of the customers and not through the perspective of the company.

2) Beachhead market

the history of the beachhead market is quite interesting. the word "beachhead" came from the army and it is related to war strategy.

for example- one country is planning to attack another country. now the strong country will station their soldiers on the beach and they make post on beach. these are known as "beachhead" and they may posts on beaches.

this is the concept of the "beachhead market" there is a large sea in frant of you but you have to make a sharp attack, therefore you should understand the beachhead market.


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