Fall of Kabul 2021

Taliban has completely occupied Afghanistan now. The Afghan government has fallen and Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani has fled the country.

According to some reports he went to Tajikistan. On 15 August 2021, the Taliban entered Kabul and they went inside the presidential place. 

The U.S President Joe Biden had claimed that the Taliban has around 85,000 fighters but the Afghanistan army had 300000 soldiers so the Afghan army could easily defend itself. 
U.S intelligence experts had said that it would take the Taliban 3 to 4 months to get control of the entire country but in just a few weeks very easily Taliban has overthrown the Afghan government. It is a big blunder done by the USA and Joe Biden. 

Afghanistan's president as stated in a Facebook post that he left Kabul because he did not want the old shed.  according to a report, the reason by many Afghanistan soldiers did not show resistance against the Taliban when Donald trump was the president of the USA. The USA had signed up a peace deal with the Taliban. for the Afghan soldier, it was a betrayal. And under Joe Biden when the USA is withdrawing the American soldiers. It was even more demoralizing for the Afghan soldiers. They doubt their ability to fight without any military support. On the other hand, the Taliban is supported by Pakistan directly.

Now Taliban has come into power in  Afghanistan and they will impose strict rules and regulations there. And now the palace is not good, especially for women. Some reports have already started to come in that women are being kidnapped to be the brides of the Taliban fighters. Some men are being forced to fight for the Taliban. Several ex-government officials have been assassinated. Girls are worried if they would be able to go to school or not because under the last Taliban government they didn't allow girls to go to school. 

The blame has to go towards the USA. In the Vietnam war, America had to face too much embarrassment.  Several people are terming this Afghanistan situation as Joe bidden Saigon moment. 

USA'S Secretary State has rejected this comparison and said that the USA mission in Afghanistan was successful.

That the USA had gone to Afghanistan to take action need against the people behind the 9/11 attack.

But if it was so, then the question arises when Osama bin Laden was already killed in 2011 then why did the USA stay in Afghanistan even after that? Why did not they pull out of Afghanistan after that?

A 2019 study had estimated that after the 9/11 attack America has paint 6.4 trillion US dollars on the middle east war and more than 800000 people have been killed as a result of direct fighting.

All of it is the money that comes from the American taxpayer where is Bing used? Why are trillions of dollars needed to fight this war? It is very interesting to know, the ethical concerns about Mars and such human rights concerned are undeniable.

But if we put them aside for a while and look at things from the perspective of a hyper Nationalist person one who considered going to this war is benefiting his country and increasing the security of the country let's take the example of the US Iraq war.

The oil industry in Iraq before the 2003 e us invasion, was nationalized meaning that Iraq had control over their whole industry they got the profit from it but when the US invaded Iraq and looted the oil from Iran so it was privatized. In the hands of companies like Exxon Mobil, Bp shell, Halliburton. 

Halliburton was headed by dick Cheney. When he stepped down from this position, he became the president of the u.s.a even after becoming the vice president of the USA he continued to hold a significant share in this company suddenly claim started cropping up that Iraq and Nicola weapon for mass destruction and in his public statements dick Cheney said that the USA should go on war against Iraq.

If we look at this situation from a geo-political perspective China and Russia are two countries that have not evacuated their embassies in Kabul. It means that directly or indirectly, China and Russia are in the favor of Taliban.

China has even said that they are ready to form friendly relations with the new Taliban government.

The reason behind it is very obvious China is thinking about its economy they are thinking of its one belt one road initiative.

It is a great contrast to the other Western countries like the UK that is saying that they will not recognize the new Taliban government. 

Perhaps several western countries may not recognize the Taliban as a new government of Afghanistan. But this may end up creating a Frankenstein monster for China and Russia. Because the USA Had also tried to do this before. The Soviet Union had tried it before them.

The USA had indirectly supported the mujahideen in printed violent textbooks for them and now it's backfiring on them.

China may also in regretting its decision in the future. The decision to support Taleban if the Taleban joins hands with China then l be hypocrisy on the Taliban's part.

Because while they project that they are orthodox Muslims that they care for their Muslim brethren, and on other hand having friendly relations with a country like China that is committing atrocities against the Uyghur Muslims.

If this is not Hypocrisy, what is?

One thing is very  clear from this, that you have to understand that all the politicians in all countries including the Taliban all of them are greedy for power someone was right in saying that "all of them are trying to fool us"

Because it is a common person in every country that is a victim of their cruelty.

The common man has to feel burnt off their Power games.

This situation is a dilemma for India as well.

Shall India support the Taliban and recognize them? Or should not it?

If not, shall pressure the Taliban and send its army to fight against the Taliban.

If not, shall it indirectly pressurized them to hold democratic elections? If not shall the Taliban be acknowledged and then ignored?

Q. What should India do?

- India should wait for some time and then should decide on the Taliban whether to support or resist the Taliban.

Q. What is the current situation in Kabul?

- Current situation in Kabul is not good people are leaving in fear. Those people who support the Taliban are enjoying but few Afghan people who don't support the Taliban, they are very nervous and leaving in fear. 

Q What led to the fall of Kabul?

-  After the USA army starting to vacant/leaving Afghanistan Taliban started to capture the area slowly and then the Taliban capture almost all the areas of Afghanistan including Kabul within no time.

Q. What is the biggest problem of Afghanistan?

- Taliban is the biggest problem for few people in Afghanistan now because some of the people want democracy but the Taliban won't follow democracy.

Q.  How many Taliban people die?

- according to reports more than 1000 Taliban people die in conflict with the USA army and Afghanistan army?

Q. Which country supports the Taliban government now?

- few countries like Pakistan, China, and Russia support the Taliban government in Afghanistan but the majority of the country won't support the Taliban government till now.

Q. Should india allow Afghanistan's people to come to India who want to leave Afghanistan?

-  Answer is very simple India should not allow them to come to India becouse currently India population is huge and we don't want to increase it already we are facing many issues like hunger, less education and unemployment because of population if they came to India then these problems will increase so government of India has to be careful other wise we are going to face such a big problem in comming future. And if it come to acceptance why pakistan, turky, UAE, Qutar, Saudi Arabia and other muslim country they are not accepting these Afghanistan people. They are very developed like Saudi Arabia, turkey, Qutar and UAE. Why they are not accepting Afghanistan's people. Question should be ask by them. They show that they are the leader of the Muslim world and Islam so why the are not allowing Afghanistan's people to enter their country.

 Q. Can Taliban be defeated? 

-  if all the big country like USA , India other European countries and china come together the. Obviously Taliban can be defeated. The reason why they win in Afghanistan is that they have a mintainious region Taliban, did not fight in open field. So That why they able to resist. 


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