why Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations?

Because China rejects Taiwan's participation as a member of United Nations agencies and other international organizations that limit membership to states. Taipei regularly protests against his exclusion; the United States is also calling for Taiwan's meaningful participation in these organizations. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Taipei criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for giving in to Beijing's demands and continuing to ban Taiwan - which has put in place one of the most effective responses to the pandemic world - to attend the organization's Global Health. Assembly. as an observer. Ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) countries recently called for Taiwan's inclusion in WHO forums.

However, Taiwan is a member of more than forty organizations, most of them regional, such as the Asian Development Bank and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, as well as the World Trade Organization. It has observer status or another status with several other bodies.

Only fifteen states maintain official diplomatic relations with Taiwan. No government has ever simultaneously maintained formal diplomatic relations with China and Taiwan.
even India and Taiwan do not maintain official diplomatic relations. 


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