
Bodhgaya is one of the most famous places in Bihar, India. Bodhgaya is famous for Lord Buddha, who attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya under the famous Bodhi tree.

Bodhgaya is internationally famous. Many tourists come to visit Bodhgaya every year. More than 8 lakh foreigners visit Bihar and Bodh Gaya each year, according to a senior Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation official. The Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

How to develop a value chain

Since many tourists visit this place. There are huge businesses available in various fields. The government can improve many things, firstly the government can improve the connectivity of Bodhgaya in the rest of Bihar. It can also help a big company to set up its industry there as it is a big issue in Bihar because it has very few industries available in Bihar. Many locals have to go out of the state for earning where they spend some time. Faces discrimination for. And improving connectivity will also help the Government of Bihar to reduce the number of tourists in Bihar which also increases employment in Bihar.

Estimated economic growth of the region

The economy of Bodh Gaya, (Bihar) is growing day by day. The economy of Bihar is largely service-based, but agriculture also plays an important role in it. In the beginning agriculture accounts for 23%, industry 17%, and services 60% of the state's economy but now tourism is also coming into the picture. Because many tourists visit not only Bodh Gaya, but also Bihar, there are many tourist places where tourists come to visit. 3.5 crores according to figures in 2019. Tourists along with foreigners visited Bodh Gaya. This sector helps them to develop in their economy as it generates employment there. The advantages of a tourist area in this area that it creates many employment opportunities for example because there are religious and tourist places so when every tourists come to visit Bodh Gaya, they used to visit Mahabodhi Temple and with this they have very beautiful temple and Beautiful monasteries were also built. . For this they use local transport, they stay in the hotel for a few days. He bought the goods from the shop.

Branding and advertising

Advertising is one of the major aspects of tourism. We can increase visitor traffic by marketing a tourist destination.

These are some of the ways to advertise tourism in a region.

1) Identify your best potential visitors to optimize ad buying.

- The most important aspect of developing a winning marketing strategy is to know exactly who your visitors are and where they are bringing you to the tourist destination.

Many tourist destinations use visitor analytics to identify demographic and psychological insights about their visitors.

2)Create destination videos that appeal to the right tourists.

-It is common knowledge that video is one of the most popular ways that people like to get information. If you want to show off on social media, make existing videos not just about a tourist place but the whole city. Start.

We can use digital marketing for advertising.

I think that if we want to get the most out of a particular tourist destination, then the government, as well as the people of that particular tourist place, have a responsibility to take care of that place. Let us take an example because the image of Bihar after independence is not good worldwide. In the early 2000s, many tourists were afraid to travel to Bihar as everyone knows that it is not a safe place to travel especially if you are alone (alone). At the time this type of negative news was spread, but luckily now with the help of technology, we are able to change the mindset of people towards Bihar as well as the government work by developing connectivity and providing security assurance to every tourist place. Really hard.


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